
Quick Take: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Workplace Issues

Most Countries and States Do Not Provide Legal Protections for LGBT Employees

The Complete Guide to Every Queer Pride Flag

Whether you're celebrating Pride in New York or Tel Aviv, you'll be seeing all sorts of flags — and not just those in the traditional rainbow. There are many sexualities in on the queer spectrum, and we've identified the flags for each.

20 Historic Moments in the Fight for LGBTQ Rights

Take a look at some of the most major moments in our country’s history that have strongly propelled the LGBTQ rights movement forward.

Alcohol and Inclusivity: Planning Tech Events with Non-Alcoholic Options

Article contains positive actions organizers and businesses can do to reduce the danger and harm that their marketing and events that center alcohol can do.


How to Fix Your Tech Interview to Increase Diversity

A great article about improving the entire job interview process written from hundreds of comments from people of marginalized groups.

Hiring, Inclusion

The abrasiveness trap: High-achieving men and women are described differently in reviews

This article collected performance reviews from men and women in tech, and analyzed the feedback employees are getting.

The results showed that women are criticized more often, and receive far more direction to be more agreeable.

Guidelines for Conference Organizers

An open-sourced document to help conference organizers with diversity and inclusion efforts.

If you build it, they won’t come

Includes discussion of why it's important to build diversity into the foundation of your event, and links to other helpful articles.

Organizing events

in the kingdom of the blind

Technologist, podcaster, conference speaker, devopsdays organizer Birdget Kroumhout explains why "blind submissions" don't meaningfully help to improve speaker diversity since they don't address the reasons that most submissions are from people that look like you. She also offers some suggestions for how to do better.

Organizing events

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