
the straight for equality ally spectrum

Straight for Equality is a program of PFLAG National designed to invite, educate, and engage allies in the movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) equality.

10 maps show how different LGBTQ rights are around the world

To explain just how much gay rights differ on an international scale, Business Insider created this set of maps to visualize the issue. The results show that while homosexuality is no longer outlawed in the majority of the world, there's still a long way to go in terms of acceptance and equality for LGBTQ people.

The next time someone says 'all lives matter,' show them these 5 paragraphs

The real issue is that, while strictly true, "All Lives Matter" is a tone-deaf slogan that distracts from the real problems black people in America face.

The best explanation we've seen so far comes from Reddit, of all places. Last year, in an "Explain Like I'm 5" thread, user GeekAesthete explained, clearly and succinctly, why changing #BlackLivesMatter to #AllLivesMatter is an act of erasure that makes lots of people cringe.

7 Activists On How To Make Pride More Intersectional

Many counter-protests and die-ins have been organized at Pride festivals across the U.S. to take a stand against the erasure of multiply-marginalized members of the LGBTQ community from Pride events. Protest is an effective means of spurring change, but there are other ways to make pride more intersectional.

How to Be a Good Ally During Pride Month

In this op-ed, writer Ryan Houlihan explores key guidelines for non-LGBTQ allies to follow during Pride month — and every other day of the year.

Philadelphia Pride Flag Opposition Is a Sign of Racism in the LGBTQ Community

In this op-ed, writer Phillip Henry explores how the backlash against a more inclusive pride flag served as a reminder of racism inherent in the LGBTQ community.

WorldPride NYC 2019 Tips for LGBTQ+ Allies

We all need allies. Through the years, our heterosexual and cisgender allies have shown tremendous support to LGBTQ+ family members, friends and colleagues, helped to raise visibility and worked tirelessly alongside us to create vital political change. We are a family, and allies are an indispensable component of that supportive group.

The State of LGBT Human Rights Worldwide

Across the globe, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people (LGBT) continue to face endemic violence, legal discrimination, and other human rights violations on account of their sexual orientation or gender identity. As we move from International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia this week to Pride month in the United States, Amnesty International stands with everyone working to guarantee the fundamental human rights of all persons, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Transgender People Deserve A Safer World

 The following individuals in the United States LGBTQ+ community have lost their lives by senseless acts of violence in 2019 with so many left unreported.

[CW: Violence]

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