
We’re Making the Wrong Case for Diversity in Silicon Valley

This article from Harvard Business Review by Todd L. Pittinsky posits that traditional diversity arguments have not convinced Silicon Valley about diversity's value because Silicon Valley is among the most innovative in technology while remaining the least diverse.

Why Diversity Matters

This article from McKinsey & Company by Vivian Hunt reports on the research which says that companies with greater diversity have greater financial returns.

Why Gender-Diverse Work Teams Are The Most Productive – And Profitable

This article by Shana Lebowitz describes the results of a MIT and Georgetown study which found that, despite being happier when working with people of the same gender, gender-diverse teams were more productive.

How Diversity Can Drive Innovation

Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Melinda Marshall, and Laura Sherbin provide an overview of the research which shows evidence that diversity unlocks innovation.

Diversity & Inclusion at Vox Media

A diversity and inclusion statement from the company Vox Media, including some diversity metrics and inclusion practices. Includes graphs and charts.

Diversity and Equality at Etsy

Etsy summarizes their gender and other diversity metrics and plans for inclusion.

We’re committing to a more diverse Twitter

Article by Twitter describing their current diversity statistics, inclusion efforts, and plans for the future.

Project Include

Non-profit organization working for better inclusion in tech. 

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