The Diverse Team: Healthy Companies, Progressive Practices

Recent studies have shown that teams comprised of people from various backgrounds and lifestyles lead to a more diverse set of ideas, out-of-the-box solutions, and products that appeal to a wider segment of the population.

The Diverse Team will aid you in changing your current hiring processes and culture to encourage more diverse applicants, as well as supporting a diverse team. Through a series of narratives gleaned from nearly one hundred interviews with developers, designers, hiring managers, and employers from various backgrounds, we'll discuss practical solutions you can start applying to your business today.

Topics covered include:

  • Why are we struggling to increase diversity?
  • What does your marketing say to potential hires?
  • Is your hiring process turning off talented developers?
  • Is your culture ready to support diverse employees?
  • Are you effectively increasing the size of your pipeline?
  • How can you create goodwill in the community and industry as a whole?

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