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This page is for collecting any links to educational materials that explain the importance of inclusion and how to make one’s work or organization more diverse. Please add suggestions!

Pronoun Wiki

A wiki of pronouns used in various languages.

Gender identity

Sharing the Data: How Technical Women Navigate Their Career

The article has practical immediate actions companies can take to remove barriers to women applying for jobs, and also practical long term changes. The article describes the study Automattic did, and what women look for as their career advances.

LinkedIn Group on Drupal and Diversity

LinkedIn Group for Drupalers.
Strategists, managers, directors, agency professionals, nonprofit, academic, government Drupalers who are interested in increasing diversity and inclusion in the Drupal community.

Our ideal community member has worked on the Drupal platform for at least 2 years and has an interest in site building, content editing, back-end development, front-end development, strategy, design/UI/UX, or other web building and has experience with government, finance, academic, non-profit, business, or membership sites built on Drupal.

Talking diversity

How to ask someone about their gender

Personal guide to why questions about gender are problematic, with specific examples, and suggestions for better ways to handle the question if the information is truly needed.


A simple and clear guide to help developers and designers understand when and how to ask for a user's gender on forms. Very helpful with specific examples.

How “Good Intent” Undermines Diversity and Inclusion

Focusing on intent allows people to avoid accountability for real harm caused, whether intentional or not.

Opportunities for White People in the Fight for Racial Justice: Moving from Actor → Ally → Accomplice

A very practical guide to specific steps white people can take to fight racism, for anyone who wants to be an actor, an ally, or an accomplice to people of color. This framework applies to any privileged person who wants to help people who are marginalized in a way that they are not (eg: men working for gender equality, straight people for queer rights, citizens helping immigrants, etc.).

Talking Drupal #217 - Diversity and Inclusion Group

In episode #217 we talk with the Diversity and Inclusion Group leadership.

Talking diversity

Practical diversity: taking inclusion from theory to practice | Dawn Bennett-Alexander | TEDxUGA

We strive to embrace diversity and inclusion in our schools and workplaces, but we often fail to understand what this looks like practically. Dr. Dawn Bennett-Alexander believes that with a little effort, we can move diversity and inclusion from theory to practice. ​

Implicit Bias -- how it effects us and how we push through | Melanie Funchess | TEDxFlourCity

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Everyone makes assumptions about people they don’t know. Melanie will teach us to recognize these assumptions and work toward a common understanding.

African American Policy Forum

Founded in 1996, The African American Policy Forum (AAPF) is an innovative think tank that connects academics, activists and policy-makers to promote efforts to dismantle structural inequality. We utilize new ideas and innovative perspectives to transform public discourse and policy.


"Black Girls Matter: Pushed Out, Overpoliced, and Underprotected" by the African American Policy Forum

In 2014, a 12-year-old girl faced expulsion and criminal charges after writing “hi” on a locker room wall of her Georgia middle school, and a Detroit honors student was suspended for her entire senior year for accidently bringing a pocketknife to a football game.

"A Primer on Intersectionality" by the African American Policy Forum

Social justice advocacy has entered a new era. Rising expectations brought about by the remarkable shift in the national political arena have heightened the need to rethink standard approaches to social justice advocacy. One of the most significant aspects of current social justice practice that warrants rethinking, is the dominance of a particular orientation that disaggregates social problems into discrete challenges facing specific groups. These groups are often defined in mutually exclusive ways, generating artificial distinctions and sometimes conflicting agendas.


"Focus on Affirmative Action" by the African American Policy Forum

13 Myths About Affirmative Action: A Special Series on a Public Policy Under Siege This 13 - part series provides readers with a guided tour of the current controversy about affirmative action. Each installment is structured to explore a widely held belief or assertion about affirmative action. Upon closer inspection, each belief is shown to be false, distorted, or unsupported by the evidence.

"The Learning Circle Toolkit" by the The African American Policy Forum

The Learning Circle Toolkit is the result of a collaborative project undertaken by the African American Policy Forum, generously funded by the Public Welfare Foundation.  We gathered together a group of scholars, activists, community leaders, and students who were actively involved in combating systemic racial and gender injustice at both the community and national level, with special focus on the over incarceration of girls and women of color in the United States.  Our collaborators came from diverse backgrounds and brought a wealth of experiences with them to our Learning Circles.

Harassment, Privilege, Race

Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

System-wide changes to the culture and climate in higher education are needed to prevent and effectively respond to sexual harassment. There is no evidence that current policies, procedures, and approaches—which often focus on symbolic compliance with the law and on avoiding liability—have resulted in a significant reduction in sexual harassment.

Does Your Institution Foster a Culture of Sexual Harassment?

A new report outlines how academic institutions create a culture in which sexual harassment can run rampant. Here are some questions, drawn from the report, to help gauge your institution’s culture.

Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw

Over the last two decades, women have organized against the almost routine violence that shapes their lives. Drawing from the strength of shared experience, women have recognized that the political demands of millions speak more powerfully than the pleas of a few isolated voices. This politicization in turn has transformed the way we understand violence against women. For example, battering and rape, once seen as private (family matters) and aberrational (errant sexual aggression), are now largely recognized as part of a broad-scale system of domination that affects women as a class.